Encrypted Smartphone Security

Encrypted Smartphones Security

Providing secure and encrypted smartphones which have been designed for secure high-risk situations.

And come with X-Secure-OS Operating System with an enhanced Android interface yet highly secure built for professionals.

Through embedded hardware security features, software policy configurations and physical modularity X-Systems encrypted smartphones are more trusted, secure, flexible and private than any other B2B and B2G smartphone



Encrypted Tablet Security

Encrypted Tablets Security

The secure and encrypted tablets are designed for a combination of security, privacy, modularity and productivity.

Despite the continuous innovation in commercial and business (semi-encrypted) mobile technology, current tablets are not designed to match evolving mission and organizational environments.

X-Systems encrypted tablets come with X-Secure OS, and are built for the highest security and privacy standards for B2B and B2G organizations.



Body Camera Security

Encrypted BodyCameras Security

For law enforcement and aid workers secure body cameras become an important commodity, and are needed to perform their duties and to protect their lives at some hazardous moments.

All of X-Enterprise secure body cameras are password protected and encrypted and are designed for flexibility, productivity and to make their users life more safe.

With the body cameras organizations can now record the users side of the events and give them more safety and protection.