Encrypted IoT Solutions

Encrypted IoT Security

X-Systems provides Mobile security and IoT security solutions for various industries. From access control, privacy applications, security modules up to secure telecommunications.

X-Systems is known in the market by its large innovation capacity and unique secure developments. Regarding innovations and developments both the software and hardware are designed and developed in-house. Without any doubt every, no matter in which industry, investment in security and data protection results in a lower total cost of ownership.

In partnership with clients and leading carriers and workforce management technology developers, X-Systems delivers the Mobile security and IoT security solutions your organization requires.

Internet of Things Security

Encrypted IoT & Internet of Things Security

IoT stands for “Internet of Things”, and can be everything that is connected with the internet. Think of smartphones, tablets but also consumer vehicles, consumer fridges, business printers, thermostats, etcetera.

How many consumer vehicles have an android tablet or are open for a connection with a mobile device?

All these Internet of Things might be vulnerable for application-, web-based, network or physical threats.

May be not today, yet it may happen tomorrow.

Better Secure Than Sorry

Encrypted IoT Security & Encryption
IoT is already more integrated in our daily and organizational lives than most people could imagine, and most large organizations see the potential of IoT which increases the life standards of their customers and productivity of employees. However, IoT holds high risks.

Especially when IoT comes in touch with application-, web-based, network or physical threats such as; vulnerable applications, malware, spyware, phishing, drive-by downloads, unsecured connections, unsecure WiFi hotspots.

X-Systems is an expert in the area of secure IoT and secure mobile solutions already for many years, whereby the specialization is focused on cryptography, security and privacy.

Any special development which is needed to protect an organization against threats on their IoT products are possible are X-Systems.

The knowledge and experience of these secure IoT solutions are taken into the next innovative projects, so that we will stay experts in the area of secure IoT and keep our clients always Safe and Protected.